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Free information session on premises :

Optimization of the tax return of the resident and non-resident worker in Luxembourg

These tax information meetings are completely FREE OF CHARGE for you and your employees.

Prerequisites : a meeting room with WIFI access.

In order to maintain a friendly atmosphere and encourage discussion during the sessions, we limit the sessions to min. 5 people and max. 15 people (several sessions are possible in the same company). The Covid19 rules will be those in force at date of the meeting.

These meetings are usually held at noon break and are limited to a maximum of 45 minutes + 15 minutes of questions and answers.

Alternatively, it is also possible to schedule a Webinar.

In order to send the Webinar link to the participants, the Human Resources Officer or any other entitled person send beforehand the list of the attendees mentioning their emails.

Opportunity to go to a company to complete your tax return

A Tax Advisor for the benefit of your employees to help them complete and optimize their personal tax declaration

Organization : the employees take turns for an hour of interview in a room in the company occupied by our tax adviser.

The Covid19 rules will be those in force at date of the meeting.

Prior to the arrival of the tax advisor, the human resources manager or any other person designated for this purpose will be responsible for drawing up the schedule for the arrival of the employees concerned.

Objective : complete the tax returns of employees of a company.

Technical requirement : WIFI access.

Hourly rate : available on request depending on the number of salaried employees.

Alternatively, it is also possible to schedule videoconferences spread out over one of several days being aslo planned early morning or after daily working time.
In order to send the personalized links of the videoconference, the human resources manager or any entitled person will draw up the schedule of registered employees with their emails.

The guarantee of professional advice !

Call an independent tax advisor FREE OF CHARGE for your tax return in Luxembourg